“…While no studies have evaluated whether platelets within the lungs of patients who died or received a lung transplant for PH were activated, pulmonary artery thromboses are increased in patients with PH and anti‐platelet therapies targeting the platelet hemostatic response demonstrate clear benefit in patients with chronic thromboembolic PH (Chaouat, Weitzenblum, & Higenbottam, 1996; Moser & Bloor, 1993; Wagenvoort, 1980). Antibody‐induced thrombocytopenia and treatment with pharmacologic platelet inhibitors (aspirin and dipyridamole) protect rats from monocrotaline and hypoxia‐induced PH (Gao et al, 2017; Keith, Will, Huxtable, & Weir, 1987; Mlczoch, Tucker, Weir, Reeves, & Grover, 1978; Shen, Shen, Pu, & He, 2011). Additionally, mice with a platelet‐specific deletion of toll‐like receptor 4 are protected from hypoxia‐induced PH (Bauer et al, 2014).…”