In spite of rapid strides in evolving Architecture processes that can help Enterprises leverage IT for creating Value, shortcomings are widely perceived. Parts 1 and 2 of this paper suggested four improvements in the processes for structuring enterprises, defining and measuring business value, ensuring maximal returns from IT assets and architecting them for value-oriented improvements, IT enabled. After summarizing the suggestions, this paper describes how those framework and processes elements were used to create, largely through IT, explicit above average value in an enterprise. The processes are elaborated, with special emphasis on how the initiatives were prioritized. The results indicate that the enterprise gained particularly from its extensive use of computers to apply science to its business beyond common transactional purposes. Finally, the authors analyze the business environment for the ‘emerging mega-vendors’ for IT services, examine relevant elements of their SWOT and make a few recommendations for new business models of a higher scientific intensity that leverage the ORMS-based servitizing of successful IT products and offer services that create measurable business value with reliability.