This study aimed to investigated alimentation of adults in the sustainable perspective related to the socioeconomics profile. For this, a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional research was carried out, with probabilistic sample, for convenience, composed of adult workers of a footwear company, the data collection occurred through an online questionnaire. Regarding the socioeconomic profile, 69,8% were classified in class B, 15,9% A and 14,3% in C/D/E. Those investigated often consume meat and rarely unconventional food plants. Most agree on the change from conventional to organic food, understand that it is healthy, but more expensive than conventional. They believe that daily meat consumption is important, but they deny or disagree that meat harms the environment. Relating daily meat consumption to be healthy and the economic classes, in A (80%), B (84,1%) an C/D/E (44,4%) agree. And analyzing the frequency of consumption of meat related to economic classes, in A (90%), B (95,4%) and C/D/E (77,8%) always or almost always consume. In conclusion, a higher frequency of meat consumption was observed in higher economic classes, and a low consumption of organics was observed, as well as the reinforcement of the idea that these are more expensive foods than conventional ones.