The geological and archaeological signatures al the site of Kupona na Dari on the Willaumez Peninsula, West New Britain provide important new data about human colonisation of the Bismarck Archipelago. Analyses of the stratigraphy and weathering of paleosols and manuporls. when combined with fission track. radiocarbon, and luminescence dating, indicate that the site was first occupied at about 35-45.000 years ago. During the whole peri(Kl of occupation, people were exposed to a series of volcanic events which varied in terms of tbeir potential impacts on the local environment. A PIXE-PIGME characterisation study of the obsidian artefacts at tbe site demonstrates that from the earliest period stone resources were acquired from outcrops located across a relatively large region. When compared with Early-Middle Holocene assemblages from nearby localities, the Pleistocene stone tool technology differs in only a few minor respects. From this analysis we infer tbat groups were mobile in both periods, but slightly different strategies for tbe procurement and maintenance of tbe stone tools were required for tbe more extensive ranges exploited during the Pleistocene. The inter-disciplinary study of Kupona na Dari concludes that colonisation comprised a long term process of settling into this volcanically active environment. Due to variability in the environments tbat people encountered, the pattern of colonisation may not have been similar across the entire Bismarck Archipelago, RT: Anthropology. Tbe Australian Museum,