Background: Standard diagnostic methods for lower respiratory tract infections are currently too slow and insensitive to guide early clinical decisions concerning treatment and isolation. Syndrome-specific, diagnostic panels have potential to provide information about aetiology quickly. Available panels have been of limited use in lower respiratory tract infections due to slow turn-around-time, lack of quantification of important pathogens and lack of detection of resistance genes.Materials/methods: We evaluated the newly developed Biofire V R Filmarray V R Pneumonia Panel plus (Biom erieux). Eightyeight consecutive lower respiratory tract samples were analyzed by both standard microbiological methods, as requested by the referring clinician, and by the panel. The agreement with standard methods, empirical treatment coverage and possible impact on isolation practices were assessed by comparing the results from standard diagnostic methods with the panel results in relation to clinical data and information of antimicrobial therapy.Results: Both qualitative and semi-quantitative results from the panel generally displayed good agreement with standard methods and by combining methods, a possible aetiology was detected in 73% of patients. Due to the panel approach, the panel detected viruses more frequently. In 25% of the 60 patients assessed for empirical treatment coverage, a pathogen not covered by current therapy was detected and in 30% of in-house patients the panel results were found to potentially influence clinical decisions related to isolation care.
Conclusions:The new diagnostic panel shows promise in improving aetiological diagnostics of lower respiratory tract infections. Correctly applied it has potential to offer support in clinical decision-making within hours of sampling.
KEYWORDSLower respiratory tract infections pneumonia rapid diagnostics molecular diagnostics PCR clinical impact ARTICLE HISTORY