Defensins are antimicrobial proteins that help the immune system of animals and plants on avoiding pathogens and maintaining the body integrity. According to recent literature, humanity is in need of a new golden age of antibiotics as resistant bacterial strains are turning simple infections into lethal weapons. Therefore, defensins may help as biotechnological prototypes with an antibacterial profile to generate new antimicrobial drugs. In this work we present the in silico perspective of the molecular modeling, a subarea of Bioinformatic, as a tool to be used in comparative analysis of defensins to identify important molecular features that modulate their biological activity profile. Parameters such as electrostatic potential map, RMS and volume can be used in the structural analysis of mutants, helping to understand the defensins mechanism of action. Considering the absence of more effective, selective and low-toxicity antimicrobial treatments, this knowledge may help in designing these and other new molecules also contributing to the beginning of this new golden age of antibiotics so currently in need.