We performed resonant and nonresonant x-ray diffraction studies of a Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 thin film that exhibits a clear first-order transition. Lattice parameters vary drastically at the metal-insulator transition at 170 K (= T MI ), and superlattice reflections appear below 140 K (= T CO ). The electronic structure between T MI and T CO is identified as A-type antiferromagnetic with the d x 2 −y 2 ferroorbital ordering. Below T CO , a new type of antiferroorbital ordering emerges. The accommodation of the large lattice distortion at the first-order phase transition and the appearance of the novel orbital ordering are brought about by the anisotropy in the substrate, a new parameter for the phase control.Charge ordering and orbital ordering (CO/OO) are the characteristic phenomena, which render the complex electronic phase behavior to the strongly correlated electron systems, manganites in particular [1]. A number of theoretical and experimental studies on CO/OO in RE 1−x AE x MnO 3 (RE: rare earth metals; AE: alkali earth metals) have been conducted in the vicinity of x = 0.5 in order to understand the mechanism of the ordering and the resulting electronic properties [2]. Only three types of OO have been found dominant -one type of antiferroorbital structure (staggered arrangement of d 3x 2 −r 2 and d 3y 2 −r 2 orbitals, CE-OO) corresponding to CE-type antiferromagnetism (AF ) and two types of ferroorbital structures (d 3z 2 −r 2 and d x 2 −y 2 ) corresponding to C-type and A-type AF , respectively.The orbital order couples intimately to the lattice distortion. One can easily envision that a tetragonal lattice distortion promotes ferroorbital structures; the compressive strain within the c-plane favors d 3z 2 −r 2 (C-OO), while the tensile strain favors d x 2 −y 2 (A-OO). In fact, the phase control of ferroorbital ordering was achieved by manipulating the tetragonal lattice parameters employing a thin-film technique fabricated on (001) substrates [3]. In contrast, the antiferroorbital ordering * Present address: Correlated Electron Research Center (CERC), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8562, Japan inevitably involves the in-plane anisotropy and no effective means for its control has been available thus far.Thin manganite films on (011) substrates [4] were recently found to exhibit a variety of clear first-order phase transitions [5,6], which has not been possible in those on (001) substrates that studied extensively [7,8,9,10]. From the transport and magnetic properties of these films, the antiferroorbital order has been anticipated in them, although the direct evidence of the OO as well as the knowledge of the OO structures in these films, which affect the magnetic and/or electronic properties, were lacking. In this Letter, we present results of synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements on a Nd 0.5 Sr 0.5 MnO 3 thin film grown on SrTiO 3 (011). A novel antiferroorbital structure has been identified. We clearly demonstrate a new handle to manipulate th...