We present ab initio LDA+DMFT results for the many-particle density of states of V O2 on the metallic side of the strongly first-order (T -driven) insulator-metal transition. In strong contrast to LDA predictions, there is no remnant of even correlated Fermi liquid behavior in the correlated metal. Excellent quantitative agreement with published photoemission and X-ray absorption experiments is found in the metallic phase. We argue that the absence of FL-quasiparticles provides a natural explanation for the bad-metallic transport for T > 340 K. Based on this agreement, we propose that the I-M transition in V O2 is an orbital-selective Mott transition, and point out the relevance of orbital resolved one-electron and optical spectroscopy to resolve this outstanding issue. A detailed understanding of the above cases is still somewhat elusive. In particular, it is still unclear whether the MIT is orbital selective, i.e., whether different orbital-resolved densities-of-states (DOS) are gapped (driving the Mott insulating state) at different values of U, U ′ (defined below) or whether there is a single (common) Mott transition at a critical interaction strength [3,4]. Conflicting results, even for the same system, and within the same (d = ∞) approximation [4] have been obtained, necessitating more work to resolve this issue.In this communication, we address precisely this issue in vanadium dioxide (V O 2 ). Using the state-of-the-art LDA+DMFT [5] technique, we first show how excellent quantitative agreement with the full, local one-electron spectral function is achieved using LDA+DMFT(IPT). We then build on this agreement, claiming that the MIT in V O 2 is orbital selective, and represents a concrete, ab initio realization of the two-fluid scenario for MIT in strongly correlated systems.V O 2 shows a spectacular MIT at T = 340 K from a low-T monoclinic, Mott insulating phase with spin dimerization along the crystallographic c-axis to a local moment paramagnetic metallic phase. This T -driven MIT has attracted intense scrutiny: because of the additional complication of the antiferroelectric displacement of the V O 6 octahedra in a correlated system, an unambiguous characterization of the MIT (relative importance of MottHubbard versus Peierls dimerization) is somewhat difficult. Various observations have been cited in support of both scenarios [1], and theoretical models detailing the importance of these effects have been proposed [6,7].One-electron spectroscopies constitute a reliable fingerprint of the changes in the single-particle spectral