“…INTRODUCTION Variations in regional atmospheric circulation and climate on a scale of years are usually associated with major adjustments in hemispheric circulation. Some examples of the sorts of variations that may occur are changing zonal wave patterns (Lamb, 1972;Hare, 1979;Trenberth, 1980;Tyson, 1981) and zonal and meridional flow characteristics (Lamb, 1972;Dzerdzeevski, 1971), variations in the interrelated Southern Oscillation, zonal Walker and meridional Hadley circulations (Kyle et al, 1970;Newell et al, 1974), alterations in the links between tropical Atlantic and mid-latitude circulations (Pittock, 1980) and changes in the nature of lower troposphere jets (Newel1 and Kidson, 1984). Few explanations have been proffered to explain year-to-year variations in climate, and particularly rainfall, over southern Africa.…”