“…The former will lead to triggering of earthquakes by tidal stress (GRASSO and SORNETTE, 1998) and consequently anomalously high values of LURR (YIN and YIN, 1991;YIN, 1993;YIN et al, 1994YIN et al, , 1995YIN et al, , 1996YIN et al, , 2000YIN et al, , 2002 are observed prior to large earthquakes. The latter will lead to establishment of long-range correlations in the regional stress field (SYKES and JAUME, 1990;RUNDLE et al, 1999;SAMMIS and SMITH, 1999;PLACE, 2000, 2002;WEATHERLEY, 2002) and accelerating seismic activity of moderate-sized earthquakes (ELLSWORTH et al, 1981;KEILIS-BOROK, 1990;SORNETTE and SAMMI;KNOPOFF et al, 1996 andBOWMAN et al, 1998) and equivalently, the accelerating seismic release prior to large earthquakes follows a power-law time-to-failure relation -AMR/AER (BUFE and VARNES, 1993;BOWMAN et al, 1998;JAUME and SYKES, 1999). Various research groups have tested LURR and AMR/AER using seismological observations.…”