“…While a full investigation of the state of world oil production and reserves encompasses a statistical analysis based on drilling data, political factors, advancements in exploration technology, economic pricing models, and outlook, etc. (British Petroleum, 2005;Cavallo, 2002;Hallock et al, 2004;International Energy Agency, 2005;Kaufmann, 1991;Kaufmann and Cleveland, 2001;Lynch, 2002;Moroney and Berg, 1999;Pesaran and Samiei, 1995), many predictions (Bartlett, 2000;Pesaran and Samiei, 1995) are still 218 P. Berg and S. Korte based on the Hubbert model (Hubbert, 1956) for the U.S. oil peak, proposed in 1956. This is surprising because the model, a logistic equation, is very simplistic in its assumption and, moreover, predicts a symmetric production curve over time.…”