“…55, 2, pag. 129-138, 1977 (DO) increases and the lake becomes isothermal (Hooper et al, 1953 ;Bryan, 1965 ;Irwin et al, 1966 ;Leach & Harlin, 1971 ;Lackey, 1971 ;Malueg et al ., 1971 ;Haynes, 1971) . The concentration of Mn" and Fe" in the hypolimnion often decreases (Wirth & Dunst, 1967 ;Haynes, 1971), as does ammonia (NH 3 ') (Symons et al, 1967 ;Brezonik et al, 1969 ;Leach & Harlin, 1971 ;Haynes, 1971), and sulfide (Irwin et al, 1966) .…”