This paper presents a review of the literature on the measurement of creativity. Creativity definitions are discussed as a starting point for understanding the nature of this construct. The four major approaches to measuring creativity (process, person, product and press) are reviewed, pointing out commonly used instruments as well as the advantages and weaknesses of each approach. This review reveals that the measurement of creativity is an unsettled issue, and that the existing instruments purporting to measure creativity suffer from serious conceptual and psychometric shortcomings. Research gaps and suggestions for future research are discussed.
INTRODUCTIONCreativity is considered as a precious asset for solving individual, organizational and social problems and achieving sustainable development (Barbot, Besançon, & Lubart, 2015;Lubart, Zenasni, & Barbot, 2013;Zeng, Proctor, & Salvendy, 2011). Accordingly, understanding the nature and determinants of creativity is of great importance to enhance its development. However, although much research has been devoted to such understanding, some controversial issues have not yet been settled.One of the most controversial issues in creativity research is the measurement of this construct (Baer & McKool, 2009; Barbot, Besançon, & Lubart, 2011; Blamiresa & Peterson, 2014;Kaufman, Baer, Cole, & Sexton, 2008;Mouchiroud & Lubart, 2001;Park, Chun, & Lee, 2016;Zeng et al., 2011). The growing body of creativity research has devoted considerable attention to the development of numerous instruments assessing dif-
Wim Van den NoortgateUniversity of Leuven, Belgium E-mail address: * This research was supported by a grant from the Government of Egypt Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/11/18 5:43 PM 239 ferent aspects of creativity, ranging from cognitive processes to environmental factors (Kaufman, Lee, Baer, & Lee, 2007;Park et al., 2016).The most prominent characteristic of this body of instruments is their diversity, indicating the complexity of defining and measuring creativity (Hocevar, 1981). In addition, these instruments have limitations, such as measuring trivial aspects of creativity or lacking adequate psychometric properties (Baer & McKool, 2009;Kaufman et al., 2007). Hence, researchers seeking to measure creativity face a number of unsolved issues, including how creativity should be defined, what particular aspects of this construct need to be valued and measured, and what the most appropriate instruments are, for measuring these aspects (Blamiresa & Peterson, 2014;Treffinger, Young, Selby, & Shepardson, 2002). In this regard, this paper aims to shed light on these issues through answering these questions:1. How is creativity defined and described in the literature? 2. What are the approaches to measuring creativity? 3. What are the most commonly used instruments in each approach? 4. What are the advantages and weaknesses of the existing approaches for measuring creativity?We try to answer these questions through systematically reviewin...