The dynamic behaviour of timber structures in service is becoming a more important consideration in design as modern engineered wood products allow longer spans and taller timber buildings, which can be sensitive to dynamic loading such as that from wind or footfall. Connections in timber structures have a pronounced effect on their structural behaviour. In dowel-type connections, the fasteners bend under load and embed into the surrounding timber and, since embedment is a nonlinear process, the stiffness of those connections varies depending on the nature of the applied load. Here, singledowel connections are tested under cyclic loads representative of in-service vibration. One-sided and reversed cyclic loads are applied. The specimen stiffness is observed to reduce with the amplitude of one-sided cyclic load.For small-amplitude one-sided load, the specimen stiffness is seen to tend towards that predicted by an elastic model, and an analytical elastic model is presented to represent the embedment resistance of the timber and the behaviour of the connector.