“…Thus, it is clear from the literature that these traditional values cut both ways. While described in the literature (Amaro et al, 2006; Brisson, Roll, & East, 2009; Cloud & Granfield, 2008; Cuadrado & Lieberman, 2002; Cunningham, Foster, & Warner, 2010; DeLaCancela & Martinez, 1983; Delgado, 2007; Gil et al, 2004; Higgs et al, 2008; Smith et al, 2009; Torres et al, 2002; Unger et al, 2002; Valdez et al, 2008), this dynamic has not received a name, and it has rarely been studied in an IDU population. The authors of this article use the term “Dichotomization of cultural values paradigm” to refer to this phenomenon, described extensively in the discussion section.…”