“…Early evidence from studies that assessed the validity of mental health professionals' evaluations suggested that clinicians frequently equated diagnoses of psychosis and mental retardation with findings of incompetence (Golding, 1992;Roesch & Golding, 1980). However, more recent research has indicated that the factors most related to clinical findings of incompetence were poor performance on psychological tests that specifically evaluate competence-related skills, psychotic disorders, and severe symptoms of psychopathology (Cruise & Rogers, 1998;Grisso, 1992;Nicholson & Kugler, 1991). Reich and Tookey (1986) determined that the 91% rate of agreement between evaluators' opinions and the courts' determinations was an underestimate because, in some cases, agreement would have been reached, but the competency evaluation process was never completed and was therefore not counted.…”