“…The approach is improved by enforcing hydrologic connectivity (Poulter and Halpin, 2007;Poulter et al, 2008), ensuring that flooded areas have a direct hydrologic connection to the ocean, which is recommended as a best practice for coastal assessments. Limitations of the bathtub modeling approach have been identified (Passeri et al, 2015;Boyd et al, 2016), including failure of the DEM to represent the detailed hydraulic connections and barriers needed for accurate spatially explicit flood mapping (Gallien et al, 2011(Gallien et al, , 2013. Bathtub modeling can overpredict flood extent compared to hydraulic and hydrodynamic modeling approaches (Gallien et al, 2011(Gallien et al, , 2014Seenath et al, 2016), especially at local scales, yet the simple approach realizes savings in input data and computation requirements (Kovanen et al, 2018) and under certain conditions can perform nearly as well as more complex models (Bates and De Roo, 2000).…”