“…Insects with mobile developmental stages can avoid rising floodwater via escape reactions such as running, climbing, and flying to upland areas or higher vegetation (Adis & Junk, 2002;Batzer & Wu, 2020;Wantzen et al, 2016). Some insects with less mobile or sessile developmental stages can survive inundation for several hours to several months (Brust et al, 2005(Brust et al, , 2007Brust & Hoback, 2009;Cavallaro & Hoback, 2014;Clark & Richmond, 1962;Forschler & Henderson, 1995;Hoback, 2011;Hoback et al, 1998Hoback et al, , 2002Joy & Pullin, 1997;Kolesnikov et al, 2012;Kölsch, 2001;Kovalev et al, 2020;Li et al, 2019;Mądra-Bielewicz et al, 2017;Magni et al, 2021;Nielsen & Christian, 2007;Reigada et al, 2011;Singh & Bala, 2011;Singh & Greenberg, 1994;Tamm, 1984;Webb & Pullin, 2002;Wyatt, 1986;Yee, 2021;Zerm & Adis, 2001). Temporal inundation is expected to affect the population growth rate and distribution of insect populations.…”