“…There are controversies about the effects of AT2R signaling, which are indicated in gray italic [3]. ARB angiotensin receptor blocker, AT1R angiotensin type one receptor, AT2R angiotensin type two receptor, AT3R angiotensin type three receptor, AT4R angiotensin type four receptor, CAGE chymostatin-sensitive angiotensin-II-generating enzyme, MasR Mas receptor, MMP-8 matrix metalloproteinase-8, NEP neutral endopeptidase, PCP prolyl carboxypeptidase, PEP prolyl endopeptidase, RAS renin-angiotensin system, VSMC vascular smooth muscle cell --group (i.e., enalapril, lisinopril, ramipril) that binds to side chains of the enzyme within the active moiety for improved potency and duration of action; and (3) drugs composed of phosphorus-containing ACEIs (i.e., fosinopril) [11,12]. Although direct ACEIs comparisons among available agents are rare, a Cochrane review has demonstrated that there are no clinically meaningful differences in BP-lowering efficacy between different ACEIs [13].…”