Mindfulness has without doubt been the fastest spreading and most popular concept in psychotherapy in the last two decades. Its influence exceeds that of any other individual concept or approach in modern psychotherapy. However, there are many dilemmas, open questions and controversies related to this rapid, almost fanatic spread, which obviously compensates for a certain lack in modern Euro-and Americo-centric societies. Similarly, we are witnessing in the West a lack of reflection, a process of limitless idealization, and the search for a panacea. This all flows with a tint of colonialism, presumptuously taking over ideas, concepts and techniques without a proper study of the primary sources, and with all the accompanying negative side-effects: profiteering, self-promotion, unethical conduct, empty promises of instant rewards, and so on. In the present paper, the development of interest in mindfulness in psychotherapy, as well as the research findings and dilemmas, and concepts and mechanisms of applying mindfulness in psychotherapy, will be reviewed. The main purpose of the paper is to contribute to the critical reflection in studying and applying mindfulness in psychotherapy.
Keywords: mindfulness, meditation, psychotherapy, psychotherapy research
IzvlečekČuječnost je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih zagotovo koncept, ki se najhitreje širi in je najbolj odmeven v psihoterapiji. Je vplivnejši od kateregakoli drugega posameznega koncepta ali pristopa v sodobni psihoterapiji. Vendar so ob tem hitrem, skoraj fanatičnem širjenju, ki očitno nadomešča določena pomanjkanja v sodobnih evropskih ali ameriških družbah, prisotne številne dileme, odprta vprašanja in razhajanja. Prav tako smo na Zahodu priča pomanjkanju refleksije, procesu brezmejne idealizacije in iskanju panaceje. Vse to poteka z določeno stopnjo kolonialistične naravnanosti, ki samozaverovano jemlje ideje, koncepte in tehnike, brez poglobljenega študija primarnih virov in z vsemi negativnimi stranskimi učinki, kot so dobičkarstvo, samo-promocija, neetično ravnanje, prazne obljube o takojšnjem uspehu ipd. V pričujočem besedilu so predstavljeni razvoj zanimanja za čuječnost v psihoterapiji, izsledki raziskav in dileme v raziskovanju ter koncepti in mehanizmi * Borut ŠKODLAR, Associate Professor, University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana.