DOI: 10.3390/buildings12081066
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A Study on the Properties of Geopolymer Concrete Modified with Nano Graphene Oxide

Abstract: This paper reports the results of a study conducted to examine the impacts of adding graphene oxide (GO) to GBFS-fly ash-based geopolymer concrete. The geopolymer concrete’s compressive strength, thermal conductivity, and modulus of elasticity were assessed. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was conducted to understand the differences in mineralogical composition and a rapid chloride penetration test (RCPT) to investigate the changes in the permeability of chloride ions imposed by GO addition. The results showe… Show more

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Cited by 66 publications
(28 citation statements)
References 73 publications
(57 reference statements)
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“…Manjarrez, et al [62] ˑhave ˑdiscovered ˑthat ˑwhen ˑcopper ˑslag ˑis ˑput ˑinto ˑits ˑgeopolymer, ˑthe ˑdensity ˑof ˑthe ˑgeopolymer rises as assessed by SEM image ˑanalysis. ˑIts ˑresults ˑshow ˑthat ˑcopper ˑslag ˑincreased ˑthe ˑbreadth ˑof ˑthe ˑamorphous ˑpeak ˑin ˑthe ˑXRD of copper mine tailings-geopolymer ˑcomposites, whereas the crystalline ˑpeak ˑin ˑthe ˑcopper ˑmine ˑtailings ˑremained ˑthe ˑsame ˑafter ˑgeopolymerization, ˑwhich ˑis ˑcompatible ˑwith the SEM findings [63][64][65][66][67].…”
Section: Microstructure Propertiesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Manjarrez, et al [62] ˑhave ˑdiscovered ˑthat ˑwhen ˑcopper ˑslag ˑis ˑput ˑinto ˑits ˑgeopolymer, ˑthe ˑdensity ˑof ˑthe ˑgeopolymer rises as assessed by SEM image ˑanalysis. ˑIts ˑresults ˑshow ˑthat ˑcopper ˑslag ˑincreased ˑthe ˑbreadth ˑof ˑthe ˑamorphous ˑpeak ˑin ˑthe ˑXRD of copper mine tailings-geopolymer ˑcomposites, whereas the crystalline ˑpeak ˑin ˑthe ˑcopper ˑmine ˑtailings ˑremained ˑthe ˑsame ˑafter ˑgeopolymerization, ˑwhich ˑis ˑcompatible ˑwith the SEM findings [63][64][65][66][67].…”
Section: Microstructure Propertiesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, when ˑthe ˑgrinding ˑtime ˑwas ˑincreased ˑto ˑ16 ˑminutes, ˑthe ˑadsorption ˑcapacity ˑof ˑthe ˑtwo ˑsamples ˑdropped ˑby ˑabout ˑtwo ˑtimes. ˑThis ˑis ˑbecause ˑthe ˑmicrostructure of the ˑalkali-activated ˑtailings changed ˑa ˑlot ˑwhen ˑthe ˑtime ˑwas ˑincreased [72][73][74][75][76].…”
Section: Water Absorption and Sorptivitymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Mine ˑtailings, ˑa ˑwaste ˑcomprising finely distributed ˑsilica, might be regarded as aggregates of geopolymer and alkali-activated ˑmaterials because ˑof ˑtheir ˑhigh ˑsilica ˑcontent. ˑMine ˑtailings ˑrecycling, ˑin ˑconjunction with ˑthe ˑdiminution of the ˑecological ˑburden ˑfrom ˑmine ˑwaste, ˑis ˑintended ˑto ˑlower ˑthe ˑcost ˑof ˑgeopolymer ˑconcrete ˑwhile ˑalso ˑprotecting ˑnatural ˑmineral ˑsources [60][61][62][72][73][74][75].…”
Section: Mine Tailings As Aggregates For Geopolymermentioning
confidence: 99%
“…One of these innovations is the production of geopolymers to be used as alternative materials to replace all or part of the ordinary Portland cement used in construction, which is obtained either from metakaolin or from industrial, forestry, and agricultural waste with a high aluminosilicates content [ 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 ]. A geopolymer is a binder of mineral origin (inorganic) obtained from the dissolution [ 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ] and subsequent polycondensation of ashes rich in aluminosilicates in the presence of an alkaline solution (hydroxides and silicates of alkali metals, Na and K) [ 13 , 20 , 21 ]. Additionally, the use of mixed geopolymers, which are generated by the combination of two or more types of chemically stabilized industrial wastes or ashes, has been considered [ 22 ].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%