“…At present, the CTF-coordinate has been widely applied in atmospheric and oceanic models (Bleck, 2002;Wang et al, 2004;Davies et al, 2005;Madec, 2008;Skamarock et al, 2008Skamarock et al, , 2012Wallcraft et al, 2009;Skamarock et al, 2012;Schättler et al, 2013). The steep vertical layers and the non-orthogonal vertical computational grids of the CTF-coordinate over steep terrain, however, induce significant advection errors in a model (Thompson et al, 1985;Sharman et al, 1988;Pielke, 2002;Sankaranrayanan and Spaulding, 2003;Steppeler et al, 2003;Ji et al, 2005;Li et al, 2012;Mesinger et al, 2012). Many methods have been proposed to reduce the advection errors in the CTF-coordinate.…”