“…Some research, however, suggests a somewhat increased risk for violence, especially homicide, among individuals with psychotic symptoms or disorders (Fazel, Gulati, Linsell, Geddes, & Grann, 2009;Keers, Ullrich, Destavola, & Coid, 2014;Large & Nielssen, 2011;McNiel, Eisner, & Binder, 2000;Swanson et al, 2006), especially during their first episodes (Large & Nielssen, 2011), while other reports suggest that abuse of drugs or alcohol is a key mediating factor (Elbogen & Johnson, 2009;Steadman et al, 1998;Swartz et al, 1998). This and other work has implied a link between violence and psychosis (Walsh, Buchanan, & Fahy, 2002), which may be misrepresented by the media in the context of mass violence (Parks et al, 2019) and generate stigma (Hirschtritt & Binder, 2018;Phelan & Link, 1998). Thus, the potential relationship between mass shootings and mental illness constitutes a critical public health concern.…”