“…Shafranske (2004, 2012), in their summary of the literature in this area, suggest that a good SR consists of facilitating attitudes, behaviors, and practices including, for example, a sense of team work (Henderson, Cawyer, Stringer, & Watkins, 1999), empathy (Worthen & McNeill, 1996), approachability and attentiveness (Henderson et al,1999), encour agement of disclosures by supervisees (Ladany, Hill, Corbett, & Nutt, 1996), and supervisors' sensitivity to the developmental level of the supervisee (e.g., Magnuson, Wilcoxon, & Norem, 2000). Additionally, recent research (Ancis & Ladany, 2010;Constantine, 2001;Inman, 2006) suggests that the supervisor's multicultural com petence is an important component of the SR, which supports the significance of contextual influences identified by the work of Clohessy (Beinart & Clohessy, 2009) and Pearce et al (2013).…”