“…We can also see this in the many application areas that address data sharing in more detail. From large and general areas of application such as research (Coelho et al, 2021;Köster et al, 2020;Pujol Priego & Wareham, 2020), education (Chowdhury et al, 2018), health (Kalkman et al, 2019;Vesselkov et al, 2019;Zhong et al, 2011), supply chain (Knol et al, 2014), or the public domain (Vesselkov et al, 2019), but also for specific areas of application data sharing is becoming increasingly important. More specific application areas include future transport (Becker et al, 2021), biotechnology (Fisher & Fortmann, 2010), food traceability (Gasco et al, 2018), and additive manufacturing (Morar & Kemper, 2016).…”