Working under a National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (NSF/ATE) grant, the authors have been involved for two years in the development of graphical, interactive software for use by students in Engineering and Technology programs. The project is primarily oriented toward two-year, community-college institutions and has involved the building of a small consortium of such schools.The first module in the series to be completed and implemented, entitled Vector Vision, is now in use in the author's institution and in several two-year partner schools. Vector Vision provides interactive instructional and problem-solving resources for introducing and reviewing fundamental vector and complex-number concepts for lower-division Engineering and Technology students.The philosophy and objectives underlying the series of software programs (already discussed in previous works) are briefly reviewed, with specific attention to the Vector Vision module. The primary goal of the present paper, however, is to describe in detail how such a graphical, animated, interactive educational package with audiovisual aids and versatile on-screen commands is developed.The specific languages, tools, and techniques employed in program development are discussed, and some sample coding is presented. Specific relevant techniques associated with the Visual C++ development and production are enumerated. Program use is briefly demonstrated, and some screen views illustrating program use are included. The development and inclusion of animated HELP sequences, tutorials, and other aids is described.