“…In terms of individual factors, previous work has found that ASPD features are associated with violent or aggressive behaviour toward others (Meloy, 1995), and some authors have suggested an association between antisocial personality features and NSSI behaviours (Virkkunen, 1976). In addition, treatment non-compliance has also been associated with risk for violence in that individuals who are unwilling or fail to engage in treatment programs are more likely to engage in future violence (Olver et al, 2011). Moreover, BPD features, anger, impulsivity, substance use and low distress tolerance have been associated with both NSSI (Klonksy et al, 2003;Stanley, Gameroff, Michalsen, & Mann, 2001;Herpertz et al, 1997;Guertin et al, 2001;Laye-Gindhu & Schonert-Reichl, 2005;Klonsky, 2007) and violence toward others (Dougherty et al, 1999;Berzins & Trestman, 2004;Fruzzetti & Levensky, 2000;Berkowitz, 2008;Edwards et al, 2003;Fehon et al, 2005;Novaco, 1994;Cornell et al, 1999).…”