“…During compatible interactions (wheat infested with virulent larvae), susceptible plants are manipulated by Hessian fly larvae, including the suppression of plant defense Saltzmann et al, 2010) and the reprogramming of plant metabolic pathways to create a nutrition zone for larval development (Puthoff et al, 2005;Harris et al, 2006;Liu et al, 2007;Saltzmann et al, 2008;Zhu et al, 2008). The manipulation of plants by Hessian fly larvae is likely achieved through salivary secretions (Chen et al, 2004, which may also trigger plant defense if recognized by the plant surveillance system (Garcia-Brugger et al, 2006). Wheat is the preferred host for the Hessian fly (Zeiss et al, 1993), but larvae can also live on barley (Hordeum vulgare) and other wheat-related species, although larval growth is slow and mortality is high (Harris et al, 2001).…”