“…We take the coordinate, the z-axis is normal to substrate, and the origin is at the top of the substrate (i.e.,at the bottom of the polymer film)(see To construct the initial structure of the thin film geometry with free surface, we used the density biased Monte Carlo (DBMC) method 11,13) , in which the polymer chains are generated by the probability of each segments obtained by self consistent field (SCF) simulation. 14,15) The χ parameters used in SCF simulation are χ PS = 0.1, χ PG = 3.3, χ SG = 6.0, and χ WP = −0.5, χ WS = 0.0, χ WG = 0.0, where P,S,G,W stand for polymer(P), solvent(S) and gas(G) and the wall(or the substrate).…”