This work tackles scene understanding for outdoor robotic navigation, solely relying on images captured by an onboard camera. Conventional visual scene understanding interprets the environment based on specific descriptive categories. However, such a representation is not directly interpretable for decision-making and constrains robot operation to a specific domain. Thus, we propose to segment egocentric images directly in terms of how a robot can navigate in them, and tailor the learning problem to an autonomous navigation task. Building around an image segmentation network, we present a generic affordance consisting of 3 driveability levels which can broadly apply to both urban and off-road scenes. By encoding these levels with soft ordinal labels, we incorporate inter-class distances during learning which improves segmentation compared to standard "hard" one-hot labelling. In addition, we propose a navigation-oriented pixel-wise loss weighting method which assigns higher importance to safety-critical areas. We evaluate our approach on large-scale public image segmentation datasets ranging from sunny city streets to snowy forest trails. In a crossdataset generalization experiment, we show that our affordance learning scheme can be applied across a diverse mix of datasets and improves driveability estimation in unseen environments compared to general-purpose, single-dataset segmentation.