“…[47][48][49] Within the identified studies, 1 was an opinion piece 50 ; 5 were conference abstracts 32,33,[42][43][44] and 5 were patient blogs/ stories. [51][52][53][54][55] The majority of the studies (n = 19) specifically identified the inclusion of NASH-cirrhosis patients, 14,[28][29][30]33,[35][36][37][38][39][40][41]43,45,46,49,51,55,56 4 studies were assumed to refer to NASH-cirrhosis-these studies grouped 'other' liver disease aetiologies as 1 group 32,34,43,47 ; the final 7 studies 25,42,48,50,52-54 only referred to their target group as 'cirrhosis patients'.…”