“…Some case-control studies showed a decrease in breast cancer risk with increased intake of the (pro)vitamins (Katsouyanni et al, 1988;Howe et al, 1990; Graham et al, 1991;Lee et al, 1991;Zaridze et al, 1991) and fibre (Iscovich et al, 1989;Howe et al, 1990;Van 't Veer et al, 1990; Graham et al, 1991;Baghurst and Rohan, 1994), whereas other case-control studies showed the opposite for (pro)vitamins (Toniolo et al, 1989;Ewertz and Gill, 1990;Richardson et al, 1991) and fibre (Katsouyanni et al, 1988;Ingram et al, 1991). Mostly negative non-significant associations between (pro)vitamin intake and the risk of breast cancer have been found in the few prospective cohort studies that have been conducted so far (Paganini-Hill et al, 1987;Graham et al, 1992;Hunter et al, 1993;Rohan et al, 1993).…”