Summary In cultures of the sciarid Bradysia hygida Sauaia et Alves (Diptera: Sciaridae) the oviposition is asynchronous which hinders the grouping of individually collected embryo samples to be used in biochemical analysis and to correlate the data obtained with the predominant embryonic stage of this sciarid. Here we describe a Feulgen staining method that allows the staging of embryo collections of B. hygida. The analysis of Feulgen stained egg samples collected at different time intervals after oviposition (48-72, 72-96, 96-144 h) also led to preliminary information about the B. hygida embryogenesis. The blastula phase is attained 48 h after oviposition and the duration of the B. hygida embryogenesis is estimated to last between 8-10 days.The laboratory culture of sciarids is not, in general, an easy procedure because it is impossible to use an artificial diet as it is routinely used in Drosophila culture (Mattews 1994). Bradysia hygida Sauaia et Alves (1968) is maintained in two laboratories in Brazil (Laboratory of Cellular Biology of FMRP-USP, Ribeirao Preto, SP, and Laboratory of Functional Organization of the Nucleus DBC-UEM, Maringa, PR) and it has been extensively used as a model system to study developmentally regulated gene transcription and amplification (Laicine et al. 1984, Fontes et al. 1992, Coelho et al. 1993, Monesi et al. 1995, De Almeida 1997. However, the utilization of the embryo as a biological material is very difficult since a detailed description of B. hygida embryogenesis has not been reported yet, and its approximated duration used to be estimated by the daily observation of the eggs. The larval development in a single container is not perfectly synchronized, and the adults emerge during a time interval that spans from few hours to 2 days. The maturation of adults take from 2 to 3 days and the oviposition occurs in different intervals of time. As the flies begin the oviposition in the containers where they emerged, and taking into consideration that one fly has the habit of laying its eggs on top of the eggs already laid by other flies, the egg groups in a same box can be found at different stages of their embryonic development. In most of the cases, the collected embryos are utilized for obtaining primary cells culture and DNA and proteins studies. To correlate these data with the predominant embryonic phase in the sample, a aliquot of the embryos utilized in these investigations was routinely frozen for further analysis. In the present study we modified the Feulgen staining method for Drosophila embryos reported by Shaffer et al. (1994), in order to stage embryo collections of B. hygida. This method allows to characterize the colleted embryos sample without using more sophisticated microscopy as the fluorescent one. Using a standard stereomicroscope, it is possible to classify the embryos according to their degree stain and distribute them into three major classes: preblastula phase (pb), blastula (b) and after blastula (ab). The present work establishes a reliable procedure to cha...