“…Millimeter to centimeter-sized (sub)circular holes in shells are created by predators such as drilling organisms (Klompmaker et al, 2017;Kowalewski, 2002), stomatopods (Geary et al, 1991;Pether, 1995), crabs (Fraaye, 1996;Krantz and Chamberlin, 1978;Turra et al, 2005), humans (Kubicka et al, 2017), birds (Cadée, 1994;Harper and Kelley, 2012), fishes (Norton, 1988;Rasser and Covich, 2014), durophagous cephalopods (Klompmaker et al, 2009;Takeda et al, 2016), sharks (Mapes et al, 1995(Mapes et al, , 1989, and mosasaurs (Kauffman and Kesling, 1960;Tsujita and Westermann, 2001). Boring, including by domicile seekers, may cause non-predatory holes (Ebbestad and Tapanila, 2005;Richards and Shabica, 1969;Wilson and Palmer, 2001).…”