“…The time course and mechanism of SV endocytosis determined here closely matches observations in a variety of other systems. Capacitance measurements at the calyx of Held (Eguchi et al, 2012;Okamoto et al, 2016;Wu et al, 2014a), ribbon synapses of retinal bipolar cells (Llobet et al, 2011), and inner hair cells (Beutner et al, 2001), and of cerebellar mossy fiber synapses (Delvendahl et al, 2016) have revealed time constants for endocytosis that range from less than one second up to tens of seconds (Okamoto et al, 2016), depending on stimulation. We observe a slowing of SV endocytosis with increasing stimulus strength at physiological temperature (e.g., about 0.7 and 12 s for 2 APs, 0.7 and 26 s for 10 APs at 10 Hz, >30 s for 200 APs at 40 Hz) in agreement with prior data (Armbruster et al, 2013), although the precise t values vary depending on the experimental conditions (e.g., extracellular calcium) and the pHluorin reporter used (e.g., we observe a tendency for faster kinetics of synaptophysin compared to synaptotagmin 1 internalization in conventional pHluorin [compare Figures 2E and S2F] and in acid quench [ Figure 1E] assays).…”