DOI: 10.1590/s0101-81752001000200019
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Variações espaciais na assembléia de peixes no Rio Paraíba do Sul (Barra Mansa, Barra do Piraí), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Abstract: ABSTRACT. Spatial Variation in Fish Assemblage in the Paraíba do Sul River (Barra Mansa, Barra do Piraí), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Paraíba do Sul is a major running water system in southeastern Brazi I (22°24 ' -22°26 ' S; 43°43' _44° 16' W), draining one of the most important industrial regions in the country. Because of its location, it has suftered a large amount 01' alteration due to discharges of urban and industrial eftluents with direct innuence in the ichthyotàuna. The aim ofthis study is to up-to-d… Show more

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Cited by 20 publications
(12 citation statements)
References 5 publications
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“…mechanism to maintain and reestablish the structure of populations, and this seems to be a characteristic of the whole group. Similar distribution patterns for these two species were also found by Araújo et al (2001), with P. reticulata being the most abundant fish species at Z2, while P. caudimaculatus, ranked as the third most abundant species at Z3. The use of deteriorated areas by opportunistic fish species has been reported by several workers (Hughes and Gammon, 1987;Soto-Galera et al, 1998;Harris and Silveira, 1999;Pinto et al, 2006b;Pinto and Araújo, 2007).…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 69%
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“…mechanism to maintain and reestablish the structure of populations, and this seems to be a characteristic of the whole group. Similar distribution patterns for these two species were also found by Araújo et al (2001), with P. reticulata being the most abundant fish species at Z2, while P. caudimaculatus, ranked as the third most abundant species at Z3. The use of deteriorated areas by opportunistic fish species has been reported by several workers (Hughes and Gammon, 1987;Soto-Galera et al, 1998;Harris and Silveira, 1999;Pinto et al, 2006b;Pinto and Araújo, 2007).…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 69%
“…In this scope, P. reticulata and P. caudimaculatus have been reported as indicators of poor water condition due to their ability to thrive in harsh environmental conditions (Araújo, 1983). Both species have been recorded along the Paraíba do Sul River mainly in more polluted stretches (Araújo et al, 2001;Teixeira et al, 2005;Pinto et al, 2006b;Pinto and Araújo, 2007). On the other hand, fish condition indicates health and can be influenced by environmental conditions (Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amichi, 2001).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Relações de espécies têm sido reportadas para o rio Paraíba do Sul como parte de compilações, porém sem precisar os locais e períodos de amostragens (BIZERRIL, 1999); outras são restritas a determinados trechos (ARAÚJO, 1996;ARAÚJO et al, 2001), não fornecendo um quadro abrangente do sistema. Por outro lado, as 92 espécies de água doce para este sistema, incluídas na compilação de FOWLER (1948de FOWLER ( , 1950de FOWLER ( , 1951de FOWLER ( , 1954, fornecem um quadro mais compreensivo da riqueza do rio.…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…A estimativa de uma riqueza de 130 espécies para grandes rios da bacia do Leste, como o Paraíba do Sul, foi feita por BIZERRIL (1999), incluindo o levantamento da ictiofauna de pequenos riachos, dos quais, vários componentes não chegam a ocorrer no canal principal. ARAÚJO (1996) registrou 57 espécies de água doce entre os trechos médio-inferior e inferior; ARAÚJO et al (2001) registraram 52 espécies para o canal principal do rio entre os municípios de Barra Mansa e Barra do Piraí, um trecho considerado de maior nível de poluição por PFEIFFER et al (1986). Comparações da riqueza de espécies entre trabalhos com diferentes níveis de esforço podem ser pouco confiáveis do ponto de vista quantitativo, embora tenham grande importância como informação qualitativa.…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…In Brazil, most studies dealing with estuarine fish assemblages were made in Rio de Janeiro (Andreata et al, 1990(Andreata et al, , 2002Araú jo et al, 1998Araú jo et al, , 2001Brum et al, 1994;Costa, 1984;Pessanha et al, 2000), Paraná Bouchereau, 1999a, 1999b;Chaves and Corrêa, 1998;Neto et al, 2004;Santos et al, 2002;Spach, Santos, and Godefroid, 2003;Spach et al, 2004;Vendel et al, 2002), Rio Grande do Sul (Chao et al, 1982;Vieira, 1997, 2001;Godefroid et al, 2004;Pereira, 1994;Silva, 1982) and in some areas of the north states (Araú jo, Teixeira, and Oliveira, 2000;Camargo and Isaac, 2001;Castro, 2001;Lopes, Oliveira-Silva, and Ferreira-Melo, 1998;Vasconcelos-Filho and Oliveira, 1999). Although Santa Catarina's coast has a fair number of important estuaries, their fish assemblages have been seldom DOI: 10.2112/08-1050.1 received 30 July 2008accepted in revision 1 August 2008. studied (Hostim-Silva et al, 2002).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%