
Below are journals in our system, along with their scite Index (SI) scores from 2023, and a count of how many supporting, mentioning, and contrasting citations they've received in our database. You can sort the table on any combination of columns by shift-clicking, and also filter by the journal and publisher names (case insensitive). Please note that these numbers change regularly as we continue to index publications and add new Smart Citations to our system.
What is the scite Index?
The scite Index (SI) measures how supported publications from a journal are, and is calculated using the following formula:
For example, the 2019 2-year SI includes citations to articles published in 2018 and 2019. There must be at least 100 supporting and/or contrasting cites in the measuring period to receive an SI.

Note: Some of the columns are hidden for this display. To see the full details, please visit this page on a larger screen.

No.JournalPublisher2-Year SI5-Year SILifetime SITotal Cites Contrasting Supporting Mentioning
351.SiliconSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.960.9512,487 24 477 11,871
352.Molecular CatalysisElsevier BV-0.960.9620,099 33 770 19,113
353.Drug DeliveryInforma UK Limited-0.960.9643,606 52 1,156 41,908
354.Materials AdvancesRoyal Society of Chemistry (RSC)0.960.950.9517,134 23 489 16,579
355.Trends in Cell BiologyElsevier BV-0.950.95313,636 388 6,966 303,207
356.Current Opinion in ElectrochemistryElsevier BV-0.950.9619,477 10 222 19,099
357.Journal of Medicinal ChemistryAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)0.960.950.941,298,534 2,171 36,222 1,248,993
358.Tissue Engineering Part AMary Ann Liebert Inc-0.950.92125,938 462 5,032 119,353
359.Biochemistry and Biophysics ReportsElsevier BV-0.950.9311,330 35 503 10,654
360.Aaps PharmscitechSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.950.9663,665 117 2,546 59,947
361.Epigenetics & ChromatinSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.950.9425,595 89 1,454 23,924
362.QuantumVerein zur Forderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften-0.950.9528,754 19 361 28,335
363.Journal of Metamorphic GeologyUniversity of California Press-0.950.9392,013 327 4,556 85,738
364.Natural Product ResearchInforma UK Limited-0.950.9060,308 264 2,350 56,397
365.DreamingAmerican Psychological Association (APA)-0.950.8812,829 154 1,126 11,323
366.Basic Research in CardiologySpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.950.8872,240 470 3,554 66,681
367.Journal of Accounting ResearchWiley-0.950.90176,065 935 8,528 157,372
368.Acs Biomaterials Science & EngineeringAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)-0.950.9571,143 96 1,737 69,091
369.Journal of Natural ProductsAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)-0.950.96406,561 630 13,449 385,044
370.Cement and Concrete ResearchElsevier BV-0.950.94238,966 720 12,336 214,552
371.Colloids and Surfaces B BiointerfacesElsevier BV0.960.950.94259,987 757 12,081 243,746
372.Molecular MedicineSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.950.9287,173 349 3,969 81,337
373.WearElsevier BV-0.950.95235,705 575 10,131 218,894
374.Green Processing and SynthesisWalter de Gruyter GmbH-0.950.954,616 10 200 4,345
375.International Journal of Quantum ChemistryWiley-0.950.95190,200 419 7,288 181,081