Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the clinical and dermoscopic characteristics of acral melanocytic nevi.
Materials and Methods:We evaluated a total of 154 patients who were admitted to the department of dermatology at Dicle University Medical Faculty, between March 2009 and November 2009. The age range of patients was between 7 and 74 years. The patients were examined in terms of age, gender, skin types as well as anatomic localization, color, size, type, and dermoscopic patterns of the lesions and, whether the lesions were congenital or acquired (time of inception). Results: We retrospectively analyzed digital images of 235 acral melanocytic lesions in 154 patients (85 males and 69 females; mean age: 28.1 years). Two hundred and thirteen (91.6%) lesions were acquired while 22 (9.4%) were congenital. Individual lesions were located on the palms (n=112), fingers (n=66), and soles (n=57). Parallel furrow (58.7%) was the most common pattern, followed by lattice-like (13.6%), reticular (8.9%), homogeneous (6%), fibrillar (5.1%) and globular (1.7%) patterns, respectively. Parallel ridge pattern was not detected in our patients, however, two lesions showed multicomponent pattern. When dermoscopic patterns were compared in terms of localization of the lesions, parallel furrow pattern was found to be the most common one. However, the frequency of patterns which followed parallel furrows varied in some areas. This was also statistically significant.
Conclusion:The results of our study are consistent with those reported in previous studies. However, reticular and homogeneous patterns were detected at higher proportion, while fibrillar pattern was detected at lower with respect to other studies. , daha sonra sırasıyla kafes benzeri patern (%13,6), retiküler patern (%8,9), homojen patern (%6), fibriler patern (%5,1) ve globüler patern (%1,7) saptandı. Bireylerin hiçbirinde paralel sırt paterni saptanmazken iki lezyonda çok bileşenli patern saptandı. Lezyonların yerleşim yerine göre dermoskopik paternleri karşılaştırıldığında ortak olarak en sık paralel oluk paterni saptanmakla birlikte bazı bölgelerde paralel oluk paterninden sonra daha sık görülen paternler farklılık gösteriyordu bu da istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. Sonuç: Çalışmamızın sonuçları daha önce yapılan çalışmalar ile uyumlu bulunmakla beraber, diğer çalışmalara göre retiküler patern ve homojen patern daha yüksek oranda saptanırken, fibriler patern daha düşük oranda saptandı. (Türk derm 2014; 48: 224-8)