“…The main clinical distinguish ing features can be summarized as: (1) con tinuous blistering since birth; (2) improve ment as the patient gets older; (3) atrophy in areas of repeated blistering but absence of dystrophy, severe scarring, milia and m utila tion, and (4) atrophic alopecia of the scalp and absence of pubic and axillary hair. It has to be noted that either circumscribed or diffuse alopecia, sparsity of pubic, axillary hair and of the eyelashes and eyebrows oc curred mainly after the age of 15 years [5,8,10,13], Additional features of GABEB included either dystrophic or absent nails as well as dysplasic teeth, dental enamel hypoplasia with frequent caries. Nevocytic nevi, shagreen-like and multiple papular nevocytic nevi, located on trunk and arms, may be an occasional feature of GABEB [5,8].…”