DOI: 10.1007/s10661-014-4010-4
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Strategies to optimize monitoring schemes of recreational waters from Salta, Argentina: a multivariate approach

Abstract: Several recreational surface waters in Salta, Argentina, were selected to assess their quality. Seventy percent of the measurements exceeded at least one of the limits established by international legislation becoming unsuitable for their use. To interpret results of complex data, multivariate techniques were applied. Arenales River, due to the variability observed in the data, was divided in two: upstream and downstream representing low and high pollution sites, respectively; and Cluster Analysis supported th… Show more

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Cited by 13 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 44 publications
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“…The results from the monitoring from July to December 2020, allowed to verify that from the three rivers analyzed La Caldera River has the best water quality, with low and CN3Cov Cases sporadic fecal input, adequate for recreational activities, which was also described in previous work (Chávez Díaz et al, 2020;Gutiérrez Cacciabue et al, 2014). The Mojotoro and the Arenales Rivers receive the impact of the discharges of the two wastewater treatment plants of the city, WWTP-N and WWTP-S, respectively.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 70%
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“…The results from the monitoring from July to December 2020, allowed to verify that from the three rivers analyzed La Caldera River has the best water quality, with low and CN3Cov Cases sporadic fecal input, adequate for recreational activities, which was also described in previous work (Chávez Díaz et al, 2020;Gutiérrez Cacciabue et al, 2014). The Mojotoro and the Arenales Rivers receive the impact of the discharges of the two wastewater treatment plants of the city, WWTP-N and WWTP-S, respectively.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 70%
“…Cases sporadic fecal input, adequate for recreational activities, which was also described in previous work (Chávez Díaz et al, 2020;Gutiérrez Cacciabue et al, 2014). The Mojotoro and the Arenales Rivers receive the impact of the discharges of the two wastewater treatment plants of the city, WWTP-N and WWTP-S, respectively.…”
Section: Cn3covmentioning
confidence: 55%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“… Microbiological pollution of recreational waters prompted communities' leaders to develop strategies to optimize monitoring schemes of recreational waters (Gutiérrez-Cacciabue et al, 2014), monitoring of microbiological quality of ambient waters (Poma et al, 2012), to create methods of microbial quality simulation of water resources including infectious risk (Schijven et al, 2015), to test microbial resistance of cutaneous germs from adult and children bathers in marine waters (Plano et al, 2011) or to investigate through specific tests Bacteroides from sewage-polluted waters (Fenga & McLellan, 2019).  Health effects of disinfection by-products exposure were investigated by researchers paying attention to associations: between testicular hormones at adolescence and attendance at chlorinated swimming pools during childhood , health effects and exposure to water disinfection by-products in a swimming pool (van Veldhoven et al, 2018), bladder cancer and water disinfection by-product exposures (Freeman et al, 2017) and between current and past concentration of THMs in water throughout France (Corso et al, 2018).…”
Section: Comparison Results Of the Residual Chlorine Concentrations Gmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition to the anthropogenic factors, climatic, hydrochemical and hydrological conditions also influence the sanitary-bacteriological state of water bodies, which should be considered during monitoring (Gutierrez-Cacciabue et al, 2014). The effective monitoring of surface waters requires processing a large amount of data using various multivariate statistical techniques.…”
Section: Review Of Modern Criteria and Methods For Assessing Microbiological Water Qualitymentioning
confidence: 99%