Auricular pseudocysts are rare lesions that present as an asymptomatic cystic swelling of the anterior surface of the auricle, particularly the antihelix. Typically, the pseudocysts contain viscous straw-yellow fluid similar in appearance to olive oil; however, a clear pale yellow serous transudate may also be encountered. Various therapeutic approaches have been used with variable success. We describe a simple small vacuum device called the Chulalongkorn University vacuum device, which was developed in our center. The device can be easily made anywhere by any surgeon. We report the outcome in 17 patients treated by means of needle aspiration plus application of the Chulalongkorn University vacuum device for 5 days. A complete resolution of the lesion was obtained in 15 (88.2%) patients. Because the procedure is safe and effective and does not require an operating room setting, it may be accepted as an option in the treatment of auricular pseudocysts.