A healthy 14-month-old black girl presented with a 3-week complaint of "knots" on the face and hands. The lesions were acute in onset and asymptomatic. Multiple, firm, nontender, skin-colored to erythematous nodules were noted on the scalp, forehead, axillae, lower legs, abdomen, and hands. A skin biopsy specimen revealed a well-circumscribed accumulation of mucin in the reticular dermis. Colloidal iron stain was positive. Radiographs showed soft tissue prominence only. Serum protein electrophoresis, thyroid function tests, complete blood count, sedimentation rate, and antinuclear antibody were normal, except for lymphocytosis. Findings were consistent with self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis (SHJCM). SHJCM is a condition of unknown etiology characterized by rapid onset of asymptomatic, indurated papules or nodules. Affected children may have arthralgias, but are otherwise well. Spontaneous resolution is the rule. Most skin lesions in our patient had resolved within 6 months of onset. This patient is unique because of the young age of onset.