The COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed the already limited healthcare systems of low resource Asian countries. It has had a profound impact on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patient care in this region, where the disease is emerging. Fear of increased risk of COVID-19 due to disease or drugs, lack of access to medications, laboratory testing, endoscopy, surgery, infusion centres, and even remote medical consultation have made the lives of patients with IBD in this region more difficult than before. Similarly, physicians faced challenges due to limited testing facilities and therapeutic armamentarium for IBD management in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. There was also the fear of potential spread of COVID-19 during colonoscopy or physical consultation, with the shortage of protective equipment, and unfamiliarity with teleconsultation and the remote monitoring of IBD. Most of the healthcare systems in these countries faced similar challenges in disease containment and management due to overwhelmed healthcare facilities in the face of crisis, inadequate vaccination drive in highly populous regions, and the unequal distribution of healthcare facilities centred in urban areas. COVID-19-specific safety norms, proper psychological support, and IBD-focused COVID-19 information can help alleviate patient concerns. Widespread adaptation of telemedicine, being up to date with current evidence, and performing endoscopy in high-priority cases, with precautions, can help physicians treat patients with IBD optimally. Additionally, the restructuring of the public health system, widespread vaccine rollout, and, ultimately, containment of the pandemic, can improve healthcare outcomes of patients with IBD in low resource countries.