Two groups of 20 patients with psoriasis were treated with mechlorethamine applied topically (group A) or with PUVA combined with mechlorethamine (group B). In group B mechlorethamine was started after six PUVA treatments.Results showed a significant decrease of the incidence of contact dermatitis in group B (30%) compared with group A (75%). Allergic dermatitis, demonstrated by a positive patch test to mechlorethaniine with an histology of eczema, was observed in 55% of patients in group A and 20% in group B. The incidence of irritant dermatitis was not significantly different in the two groups. Allergic dermatitis was observed later in group B: after an average of 32 2 applications of mechlorethamine compared with 25 applications in group A.Possible mechanisms responsible for these results are reduction of epidermal Langerhans cells by PUVA therapy and induction of antigen-specific suppressor T cells.Patients living far from a specialized centre might be treated initially with PUVA therapy then with mechlorethamine alone, at home. This schedule may reduce the incidence of contact dermatitis to mechlorethamine.Correspondence: Pr. J.Thivolet.