This study aimed to evaluate the role of bioregulators (NAA, BAP, TDZ and 2iP) on the morphogenetic development of pejibaye microplants. For this, every 28 days, the number of propagules, the root development, the length and the growth rate of shoots, the number of leaves, the oxidation, the number of meristematic centers in the explants basal region and in the leaf sheaths and/or in the propagules leaf primordia, the number of pro-embryogenic cell complex and the morphogenic routes and patterns were measured. All experiments were conducted in a randomized design. Qualitative data were presented as percentages and general averages, and quantitative data were subjected to polynomial regression or exponential analysis. The morphophysiological evaluations showed that the TDZ alone favored the development of adventitious buds, although short, and sometimes with thorns. Only in the treatments with the isolated presence of BAP, TDZ and 2iP, somatic embryos were not developed. For the other treatments there was an exponential behavior, in which the number of somatic embryos was reduced and varied according only to the cultivation period. Although a greater number of roots was observed in the treatment, in which NAA was associated with BAP, the control treatment has induced the highest rate of rooted explants and with greater root length, and has been the single one that produced branches. The isolated presence of TDZ promoted the greater shoot length, and its association with ANA promoted the highest growth rate. The best shoot development of pejibaye microplants and explants occurred in the MS bioregulator-free culture medium of or in the medium with NAA/TDZ association, at140 days of cultivation. Moreover, the isolated addition of the cytokinins BAP, TDZ and 2iP in the medium, later promoted the highest growth rate. In pejibaye explants the addition of 2iP alone promoted intense oxidation of the first developed leaves and the application of TDZ alone or associated with ANA promoted anomalies such as folding leaf and thorn development. The monitoring of the morphogenetic routes and patterns showed that in the treatments that were bioregulator-free, or with the isolated presence of NAA and TDZ, or the association of both, somatic embryos, from multicellular origin, raised up directly in the central region of the explants base. Pro-embryos from unicellular origin were also induced in the isolated presence of NAA or in NAA/BAP and NAA/TDZ associations. Moreover, in the isolated presence of TDZ, pro-embryos from multicellular origin were induced from shoot apical meristem activity and from the (bi) polarization of a large number of meristematic centers in the distal extremity of the explants base. Adventitious buds with multicellular origin from the proximal extremity of the explants base were induced more frequently in the bioregulator-free treatment and in the treatment with NAA/TDZ. Between the leaf explants primordia, adventitious buds were often induced by the treatments with the isolated presence of ANA.