RCumCDans le cadre de travaux concernant la barritre cutanee et ses modifications, notre but a ete #&valuer objectivement, in vivo chez I'homme, la rtponse pharmacologique obtenue aprks application topique de deux reactifs vasoactifs: le nicotinate de methyle (NM) et le nicotinate d'hexyle (NH). Deux methodes non-invasives ont ktt compartes, la vtlocimetrie laser Doppler, par deux appareils: le Periflux PF2 (Perimed, Sukde), et le Laser Flo BPM 403 (TSI, USA), et la chromametrie (Chromamktre CR 200, Minolta, Japon), A I'aide de quatre paramktres: le temps de latence prtcedant I'apparition de la rtponse, l'intensite maximale de cette reponse, le temps pour atteindre cette intensite et le pourcentage de sujets repondeurs prtsentant une augmentation du flux sanguin cutane et/ou une rougeur cutanee. La velocimetrie laser Doppler pose le probleme de I'effet solvant et/ou sonde, ce qui rend delicate l'interprttation des resultats. C'est pourquoi nous avons choisi la chromametrie pour apprtcier, a I'aide de vasoactifs appropriks (NM dans I'eau et NH dans divers solvants), I'ttat de la barribre cutanke et son evolution aprts agression physique par stripping d'intensitk croissante.
SynopsisWithin the framework of our research on the cutaneous barrier functions and their modifications, our objective was to estimate, in vivo in humans, the pharmacological response induced by the topical application of two vasoactive drugs: methyl nicotinate (MN) and hexyl nicotinate (HN). Two noninvasive methods were compared: laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) (with two different types of equipment: Periflux PRTM (Perimed, Sweden) and Laser Flo BPM 403TM (TSI, USA) and chromametry (Chromameter CR 200, Minolta, Japan). Four parameters were measured and/or calculated: the lag time before the first response, the highest intensity of the response, the time to reach this intensity and the percentage of sites responding with an increase of blood flow and/or a skin redness. Laser Doppler velocimetry shows a problem with the effect of the solvent and/or probe which makes the interpretation of the results difficult. With the vasoactive drugs, MN in water and HN in various solvents, chromametry was preferred for estimating the cutaneous barrier function and its evolution after physical aggression by progressive stripping of the horny layer.