We studied six infants and two adult cases of nodular scabies with immunostains and electron microscopy. All eight cases have had either direct (KOH) or family histories of scabies and were treated with lindane 1% cream or permethrin 5% cream. Family members responded very well, but our patients developed multiple papulo-nodular lesions which were initially very pruritic and, in some cases, persisted from several months to over one year. H & E stain of biopsied tissue sections revealed a heavy perivascular and periappendageal lymphohistiocytic cell infiltration. Immunophenotype of these cells was compatible with Langerhans cells, i.e. CD1A (+), S-100 (+) and HLA-DR (+). Electron microscopy showed that these histiocytic cells satisfied all the ultrastructural criteria of Langerhans cells except for the absence of Birbeck's granules. Lag, a monoclonal antibody for Birbeck's granules, was negative. "Persistent nodules in scabies" or "nodular scabies" seems to represent a prolonged response of indeterminate cells-lymphocytes to mite antigens.