A 51-year-old white woman presented with thickening of the scalp located at the vertex and left lateral occiput without hair abnormalities or alopecia. Skin biopsies of the thickened scalp showed thickening of the subcutaneous tissue with proliferation of mature subcutaneous fat cells but no signs of inflammation or hair abnormalities. During 2.5 years of follow-up, scalp thickening progressed over the entire hair-bearing scalp and persisted without signs of further progression at 3.5 year follow-up. Lipedematous scalp is an extremely rare diagnosis. It is defined by a thickening of the subcutaneous layer of the scalp and can be distinguished from lipedematous alopecia, in which subcutaneous thickening is associated with diffuse alopecia and shortening of scalp hairs. A total of seven cases of lipedematous alopecia and two cases of lipedematous scalp have been reported. We report the third case of lipedematous scalp in a 51-year-old white woman associated with early symptoms of meningitis. Additional features described in the literature include pruritus, pain, and paresthesia of the scalp as well as associated medical problems such as hyperelasticity of skin and laxity of joints, renal failure, and diabetes mellitus. This sporadic disorder is predominantly located at the vertex and occiput. The etiology and pathogenesis of lipedematous scalp and alopecia remain unclear. The treatment is symptomatic.