RESUMO.-[Imunogenicidade de uma cepa inativada do herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 defectiva na timidina quinase e glicoproteína E.] A imunogenicidade de vacina experimental inativada, produzida com uma cepa do herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 defectiva nos genes da timidina quinase e glicoproteína E (BoHV-5 gE/TKΔ) foi avaliada em bovinos e o resultado foi comparado com a resposta induzida pela cepa parental do The immunogenicity of an inactivated, experimental vaccine based on a bovine herpesvirus type 5 strain defective in thymidine kinase and glycoprotein E (BoHV-5 gE/ TKΔ) was evaluated in cattle and the results were compared with a vaccine containing the parental BoHV-5 strain (SV507/99). To formulate the vaccines, each virus (wildtype SV507/99 and BoHV-5 gE/TKΔ) was multiplied in cell culture and inactivated with binary ethyleneimine (BEI). Each vaccine dose contained approximately of 10 7.5 TCID 50 of inactivated virus mixed with an oil-based adjuvant (46:54). Forty calves, 6 to 9-monthsold, were allocated into two groups of 20 animals each and vaccinated twice (days 0 and 22pv) by the subcutaneous route with either vaccine. Serum samples collected at day 0 and at different intervals after vaccination were tested for virus neutralizing (VN) antibodies against the parental virus and against heterologous BoHV-5 and BoHV-1 isolates. The VN assays demonstrated seroconversion to the respective homologous viruses in all vaccinated animals after the second vaccine dose (mean titers of 17.5 for the wildtype vaccine; 24.1 for the recombinant virus). All animals remained reagents up to day 116 pv, yet showing a gradual reduction in VN titers. Animals from both vaccine groups reacted in similar VN titers to different BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 isolates, yet the magnitude of serological response of both groups was higher against BoHV-5 field isolates. Calves vaccinated with the recombinant virus did not develop antibodies to gE as verified by negative results in a gE-specific ELISA, what would allow serological differentiation from naturally infected animals. Taken together, these results indicate that inactivated antigens of BoHV-5 gE/TK recombinant virus induced an adequate serological response against BoHV-5 and BoHV-1 and thus can be used as an alternative, differential vaccine candidate. inativados emulsionado em adjuvante oleoso (46:54). Quarenta bezerros de raças cruzadas, com idade entre seis a nove meses, foram alocados em dois grupos de 20 animais cada e vacinados duas vezes (dia 0 e 22 pv) pela via subcutânea com uma das vacinas. Amostras de soro foram coletadas no dia 0 e a vários intervalos após vacinação para a pesquisa de anticorpos neutralizantes frente ao vírus homólogo ou frente a isolados de BoHV-5 e BoHV-1. Os testes de soroneutralização (SN) demonstraram que todos os animais soroconverteram após a segunda dose da vacina (títulos médios de 17,5 para o grupo SV507/99; 24,1 para o grupo BoHV-5 gE/TKΔ). Todos os animais mantiveram níveis de anticorpos neutralizantes até o dia 116 pv, no entanto foi observada uma redução ...