Rasmussen, P. V. and Børsting, C. F. 2000. Effects of variations in dietary protein levels on hair growth and pelt quality in mink (Mustela vison). Can. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 633-642. The effect of different and shifting dietary protein levels on hair growth and the resulting pelt quality in mink was studied. Two groups of pastel female mink were fed either 59% (high protein, HP) or 40% (low protein, LP) of metabolisable energy (ME) from protein during pregnancy and lactation. Shortly after weaning, kits from females fed the LP diet were put on a new LP diet (21% protein of ME). Kits from females fed HP were randomly distributed to four experimental groups fed a new HP diet (34% protein of ME) and three of these groups were shifted to diets with 21% protein at different times during June until September. Skin biopsies were taken at 4, 6, 23 and, 29 wk of age. Histological techniques and computer-assisted light microscopy were used to determine the ratio of activity (ROA) of underfur and guard hairs, respectively, defined as the number of growing hairs as a percentage of the total number of hairs. The hair fibre length and thickness were determined by morphometric methods and correlated with fur properties of dried pelts judged by sensory methods. It was documented that 40% of ME from protein during pregnancy and lactation was sufficient for mink kits to express their genetic capacity to produce hair follicles. In males, a reduced protein level from the age of 15 wk or 22 wk until pelting disturbed moulting, indicated by a low ROA of underfur hairs at 23 wk, and consequently reduced the growth and development of the winter coat. A constantly low protein level from conception until the age of 29 wk did not disturb moulting, but led to a reduction of primeness and especially of the underfur length and fibre thickness of the winter coat. A low protein level from the age of 9 wk only reduced the thickness of the underfur fibres. Hair growth, final fur volume, and general quality of the winter coat of males were influenced negatively and to the same degree in all groups fed the LP diet in part of the growth period. The number of underfur hairs per area (hair density) of the winter coat was not influenced by the dietary treatment meaning that the protein content of 21% of ME in the LP diet was high enough for the mink to express its genetic capacity to develop hair follicles. However, this low protein content led to a reduction of hair fibre length and hair fibre thickness of the underfur. Overall, this study demonstrated that hair growth and hair properties in pelts are very dependent on the dietary protein supply in the period from 22 wk of age until pelting, irrespective of the supply in the preceding periods.Key words: Fur properties, hair fibres, nutrition, pelage, protein requirement.Rasmussen, P. V. et Børsting, C. F. 2000. Effets des variations du niveau protéique de l'alimentation sur la croissance du poil et sur la qualité de la fourrure chez le vison (Mustela vison). Can. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 633-642. Nous avons ex...